Sabtu, 07 Desember 2013

Fungsi Tombol Control A-Z

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Psikologi Pendidikan menurut para Ahli

Psikologi Pndidikan Menurut Para Ahli
v  Menurut Muhibin Syah (2002)
Psikologi Pendidikan adalah sebuah disiplin psikologi yang menyelidiki masalah psikologis yang terjadi dalam dunia pendidikan.
v  Menurut  Witherington
Psikologi pendidikan adalah  studi sistematis tentang proses-proses dan faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan pendidikan manusia.
v  Menurut Tardif (dalam Syah, 1997: 13)
Psikologi pendidikan adalah sebuah bidang studi yang berhubungan dengan penerapan pengetahuan tentang perilaku manusia untuk usaha-usaha kependidikan.
v  Menurut Borich & Tombari (1997)
Psikologi pendidikan ialah satu disiplin yang memfokuskan kajiannya kepada pengetahuan teoretikal dan pengetahuan empirikal mengenai pengajaran dan pembelajaran dalam bilik.
v  Menurut Banks & Thompson (1995),
Psikologi pendidikan adalah Kajian tentang perlakuan atau tingkah laku manusia dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran dalam bilik darjah.
v  Menurut Poerbakawatja dan Harahap (Syah, 1997 / hal.8)
Mereka membatasi psikologi sebagai “cabang ilmu pengetahuan yang mengadakan penyelidikan atas gejala-gejala dan kegiatan-kegiatan jiwa”. Dimana gejala-gejala dan kegiatan-kegiatan jiwa tersebut meliputi respon organisme dan hubungannya dengan lingkungannya. Syah (1997 / hal.9) membuat kesimpulan tentang pengertian psikologi dari beberapa definisi di atas, dimana psikologi adalah ilmu pengetahuan yang menyelidiki dan membahas tingkah laku terbuka dan tertutup pada manusia, baik selaku individu maupun kelompok, dalam hubungannya dengan lingkungan. Lingkungan dalam hal ini meliputi semua orang, barang, keadaan dan kejadian yang ada di sekitar manusia.

v  Menurut Pintner
Psikologi Pendidikan adalah ilmu terapan berusaha untuk menerangkan masalah belajar menurut prinsip-prinsip dan fakta-fakta mengenai tingkah laku manusia yang telah di tentukan secara ilmiah.
v  Menurut George A. Miller
Psikologi adalah ilmu yang berusaha menguraikan, meramalkan dan mengendalikan peristiwa mental dan tingkah laku.
v  Menurut Barlow (Syah, 1997 / hal. 12)
Psikologi pendidikan adalah sebuah pengetahuan berdasarkan riset psikologis yang menyediakan serangkaian sumber-sumber untuk membantu anda melaksanakan tugas-tugas seorang guru dalam proses belajar mengajar secara efektif.
v  Menurut Arthur S. Reber (Syah, 1997 / hal. 12)
Psikologi pendidikan adalah sebuah subdisiplin ilmu psikologi yang berkaitan dengan teori dan masalah kependidikan yang berguna dalam hal-hal sebagai berikut :
a.    Penerapan prinsip-prinsip belajar dalam kelas.
b.    Pengembangan dan pembaharuan kurikulum.
c.    Ujian dan evaluasi bakat dan kemampuan.
d.   Sosialisasi proses-proses dan interaksi proses-proses tersebut dengan pendayagunaan ranah kognitif.
e.    Penyenggaraan pendidikan keguruan.

Kamis, 28 Maret 2013


Mini Research:

Diajukan sebagai tugas individu pada mata kuliah speaking, yang di ampuh oleh Nurwahida T Pido,S.Pd. M.Pd

Nurul Zihra


A.    Background
In line with development science and technology is rapidly increasing. Especially in printing technology, the more information stored in the book. At all levels of education, reading skill becomes a priority scale that must be controlled by students. Reading is a window to the world.
By reading, it means that someone will get a variety of information, especially that he needs locally, nationally and globally. I reading activities, more activities focused on reading skills than the theories of reading itself.
A process which requires that a group of words which is a unity will be seen in glimpses and that the meaning of individual words will be known. If this is not met, then the massage is explicit and implied will not be captured or understood, and the reading process is not performing well. In this case the need was underlined to read English book. English book such as novels, comics, magazines and any book written in English. Read English books a lot of benefits, which can help increase the procurement vocabulary, so that it can affect a person's ability to speak, because with increasing vocabulary then it makes it easier to talk.
By reading the english books, it is expected that students will be able to increase procurement of their vocabulary, but in fact, very little English students, especially students at SMA and MAN is likely to be interested to read english books. Because they thought that the book hard to speak english to be understanding. We can use story about love, humor, and something that they like, because sometimes the students don’t like to read the education book. Therefore, I took the tittle is “influence of habit reading story toward speaking ability”.

B.     Problem Statement
Based on the background, I can formulate the problem is what is the habit of reading English book especially story can increase the students speaking ability.
C.    The Aim of Research
The aim of research of the title above is to know the effect of reading story toward the students speaking ability and they can improve their speaking with reading English story book.

A.    Speaking Ability
Based in KBBI (Ministry of Education, 2008: 196) says that speech is "say, speak, speak or delivery of opinion (with words, writing, etc.) or negotiate".
Speaking generally means a delivery purpose (ideas, thoughts, hearts) one person to another by using spoken language so that meaning can be understood by others (Department of Education, 1984:3 / 1985:7). Understanding specifically stated by many experts. Henry Guntur Tarigan (2008:16), suggests speaking is the ability to utter articulate sounds or words to express, express and convey thoughts, ideas and feelings. While his form as a form or talk referred to as a tool to communicate ideas and developed according to the needs of the listener.
According Suharyanti (1996:5), speaking is a system of signs that can be heard (audible) that can be seen (visualble) which utilizes a number of muscles and tissues of the human body for the purpose and objectives of the ideas communicated.
Maeda G Arsjad and Mukti U.S. (1988:17) explains that the ability to speak is the ability to utter articulate sounds or words that express, express, and convey thoughts, ideas and feelings. Listeners receive information through a series of tone, emphasis, and placement of joints (juncture).
Chaney (Hayriye Kayi, 2009:1) defines speaking is theprocessof building and sharing meaning throught the use of verbal and non-verbal symbols, in variety of contexts, which means that speaking is the process of delivering a variety of purposes and objectives orally and without using symbols - symbols in many ways. According Hayriye Kayi also that speaking is a crucial part of second language learning and teaching, which means talking is a part of language learning and teaching.
From the description above sense speaking, it can be drawn a conclusion that:
a. Speaking is the ability to utter articulate sounds or words to express, express and convey thoughts, ideas and feelings.
b. Speaking is a means to communicate ideas organized and developed according to the needs of the listener or penyimak.
c. Speaking is the process of communicating with individual communities to declare din as members of society.
d. Talking is a creative expression that can manifest personality is not just a means of communicating ideas alone, but also the main tool for creating and formulating new ideas.
B. The Habit Reading Books
1. The Definition of Reading
Reading is the receptive language skills of writing. Reading skills can be developed in isolation, apart from listening and speaking skills. But in people who have a tradition of literacy that have been developed, often reading skills developed in an integrated manner by listening and speaking skills.
In acquiring or learning a language, receptive language skills seem kind of language acquisition supports many types of productive (writing and speaking). In a communication event is often some sort of language skills used together to achieve the goal of communication.
Reading is also one of skill in communication. Convey the massage sender by using the symbols in the form of writing. In the encoding process, the sender change the massage into written language forms, and then sent to the recipient. Then, the receiver in the process of trying to make sense of decoding written language forms so that massages can be received in full. The activity we are familiar with the term reading.
2. reading goals
River and temperly (1978) proposed some main objectives in reading, namely:
a.       Obtain information for a purpose or be curious about a topic
b.      Knowing when and where something will happen or what is available (as reported in newspaper, magazines, reports)
c.       Getting a variety of instructions on how to perform a task or daily life.
3. types of reading
Judging from the absence of sound or voice while reading, the meaning of the reading process can be divided as follows:
a.       Read aloud
Reading aloud is a way of reading made by the tongue
b.      Silent reading
Silent reading is done by way of reading that is not hardened, which uses only visual activity.
C. The Relationship Between The Habit Of Reading Book With Speaking Ability
One of the very close relationship when the student has the habit of reading englis book especially english story, otomatically they can find a new vocabulary in the story. Because one of the media to increase the vocabulary of english book. So it can ease the student to speaking, because they can learn and find the vocabulary.