Selasa, 05 Juni 2012

About syntax


A.    Background
To study English, into make a sentence we must use the syntax. Why we must use it?. So, hope a sentence can perfect. Syntax is the way words are put together to form phrases and sentences. To study syntax is to study patterns and relationship of words, phrases, and clauses. The syntactic categories of word and group of word are reveled by the way they pattern in sentences. Words pattern into phrases, phrases into clauses, clauses into sentences.  Syntax consists of two kinds that is open classes: noun, verb, adjective, adverb. And closed classes; pronoun, numeral, determiner, preposition and conjunction.

B.     Purpose
1.      To know about syntax and kinds of it.
2.      As mode to continuing process study in class
C.    Problem Statement
1.         What the meaning of syntax?
2.         What kinds of syntax?


            Syntax is the way words are put together to form phrases and sentences. To study syntax is to study patterns and relationship of words, phrases, and clauses. The syntactic categories of word and group of word are reveled by the way they pattern in sentences. Words pattern into phrases, phrases into clauses, clauses into sentences. So, word classes are a universal fact about languages. Word classes are generally divided into two broad groups that is: The open classes of word: noun, verb, adjective, and adverb and the closed classes of word: pronoun, numeral, determiner, preposition, and conjunction.

A.    Open classes
a.       Noun
Noun is the name of person, place, and thing. For example of noun that is table, book, door, goat, etc. noun there are concrete and abstract nouns, proper and common nouns, animate noun and inanimate nouns, singular and plural nouns, countable and uncountable nouns.
b.      Verbs
Verbs generally refer to actions, events and processes. Examples give, happen, become. The main division made among verbs is that between auxiliary verbs and lexical verbs. Auxiliary verbs are a closed subclass and have a mainly grammatical function. Among lexical verbs distinction is traditionally made between transitive and intransitive verbs.
c.       Adjectives
Adjectives typically amplify the meaning of a noun, for this reason adjectives are often characterized as descriptive words. The function of the adjective is to describing noun, for example is (handsome boy, long hair).
d.      Adverbs
Adverbs represent a very diverse set of words and there are basically two kinds, but generally we know it there are three kinds of the adverbs. It is adverb of time, place and manner. For examples: yesterday, tomorrow, two weeks ago etc. (adverb of time), in the school, campus, beach etc. (adverb of place) and quickly, slowly (adverb of manner).
B.     Closed classes
a.       Pronouns
Pronouns as the name implies, have the main function of substituting of nouns, once a noun has been mentioned in a particular text. Pronouns consist of personal pronouns, possessive pronoun, reflexive pronoun, interrogative pronoun, demonstrative pronoun, relative pronoun. There are subclass is that of personal pronouns (I, me, you, we, us, they, them, she, her, he, him, it).
b.        Numerals
Numerals are of two kinds, that is ordinal and cardinal. Ordinal numeral as the name indicate, specify the order of in item and comprise the series first, second, third, fourth and so on. Cardinal numerals do not specify order, but merely quantity, and comprise the series one, two, three, four, etc.
c.         Determiners
Determiners are a class of words that are used with nouns and have the function of defining the reference of the noun in some way. The class is divided into two broad groups, identifiers and quantifiers.

d.   Preposition
Preposition have as their chief function that of relating a noun phrase to another unit. The relationship may be one of time (ex. after the meal), place (ex. Front of the bus) or logic (ex. Because of his action).
e.    Conjunction
They are of two kinds: coordinating conjunction such as and, or, but and subordinating conjunction such as when, if, why, because, etcetera.
f.     Phrases
Phrases may be described in terms of the kinds or classes of are that unction in them, and of the order in which the words are arranged relative to each other. Five types of phrase are recognized in English:
a.       Noun phrase
The noun phrase in English is composed potentially of three parts. They are head, pre-modification and post-modification.
b.       Verb phrase
In the verb phrase all the elements are verbs of one kind or another. A verb phrase contains one lexical verb as head and may have up to four auxiliary verbs, beside the negative word not, as a modifiers.
c.       Adjective phrase
Adjective phrase have as their heads adjectives. The head is the minimal form from the example given it is clear that an adjective may be both pre-modified and post-modified.
d.      Adverb phrase
Adverb phrase have as their heads adverb. An adverb is the minimal form of an adverb phrase, indeed, many adverbs phrases occur in the minimal form.
e.       Prepositional phrase
Prepositional phrases are unlike any of the other types of phrase. Prepositional phrase is composed of a prepositional and a noun phrase.

g.    Clauses
Clauses then are composed of phrase. Clauses there are dependent clauses, nominal clauses, relative clauses, and adverbial clauses. Adverbial clause have many kinds, they are: conditional clause, comparison clause, reason clause, contrast clause, purpose clause, result clause.


a.    Conclusion
Syntax is the way words are put together to form phrases and sentences. To study syntax is to study patterns and relationship of words, phrases, and clauses. The syntactic categories of word and group of word are reveled by the way they pattern in sentences. Syntax has two kinds of word classes that is open classes and closed classes. Open classes: noun, verb, adjective and adverb. So, closed classes that: pronoun, numerals, determiner, preposition, and conjunction.

b.   Suggestion
Before to close the discussion about syntax in my paper. I hope you can give me some critic and suggestion for perfect the next paper, because I am still study phase. So I am so sorry if there are something wrong in this paper and I hope it can be learning tools to us. Finally, thank you very much for your critic and suggestion before.


Pakaja Marina, 2011. Introduction To general Linguistics .Yogyakarta: Adelia Grafika

  Bismillahirrahmanirrahim …
First of all praise be to Allah Swt. because of his cheapness and help I can finished the task that given to me. Its as a development of self and also as a mid task for me. And then deliver the invocation for Prophet Muhammad Saw. Because of He has brought out us for the dark world.
This paper discusses the topic about syntax. So, Syntax is the way words are put together to form phrases and sentences. To study syntax is to study patterns and relationship of words, phrases, and clauses. The syntactic categories of word and group of word are reveled by the way they pattern in sentences.
For detail, I will discussion it in the next step. Before the last, please give me your critical and a good idea for the next. Because of I still study phase. Finally, before and after I am so sorry if be found something wrong in my short paper, thank you so much and Wassalam.

                                                                                            Gorontalo, 1 juni 2012



Presented as individual task and mid in introduction to linguistic subject, the lecturer are Marina Pakaja, M.Pd.
Semester IIa
Nurul Zihra

T.A. 2011/2012

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